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Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" в программе "Зона Х": земельная амнистия в фокусе внимания

State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the program "Zone X": land amnesty in focus


State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the report of the program "Zone X. Results of the week" on the Belarus 1 TV channel, dedicated to the current topic of land amnesty.

Единый день информирования на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ": о пожарной безопасности и мерах предосторожности

A single day of information at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI": about fire safety and precautionary measures


A Unified Information Day devoted to topical issues of fire safety was held at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI".

На базе Белорусской АЭС состоялся семинар по качеству землеустроительных работ

A seminar on the quality of land management works was held at the Belarusian NPP


A seminar-meeting was held at the information center of the Belarusian NPP, dedicated to the organization and quality control of land management works at the UE "Belgiprozem Design Institute" and its subsidiary unitary enterprises.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" завершает аэрофотосъемочный сезон!

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" is ending the aerial photography season!


The state enterprise "BelPSKHAGI" successfully completed the 2024 aerial photography season. Due to favorable weather conditions, all planned work was carried out in the shortest possible time.

Госкомимущество запустило официальный канал в мессенджере Телеграм

Goskomimushchestvo has launched an official channel in the Telegram messenger


The State Property Committee announced the creation of an official channel in the Telegram messenger, the purpose of which is to inform citizens about the activities of the committee and current issues in the field of land relations.

Заседание комиссии по противодействию коррупции на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ"

Meeting of the Corruption Commission at the Belpshagi State Enterprise


A meeting of the anti-corruption commission was held at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI". The agenda of the meeting included appeals from citizens, individual entrepreneurs and representatives of legal entities, which contained facts of corruption.

 Вышел новый номер научно-практического журнала «Земля Беларуси»

A new issue of the scientific and practical journal "Land of Belarus" has been published


The journal is aimed at the heads and specialists of organizations included in the system of the State Property Committee, land management services of local executive committees, as well as representatives of other interested state bodies and organizations.

Перечни свободных земельных участков визуализированы на публичной кадастровой карте

Lists of available land plots are visualized on the public cadastral map


Information on available free land plots and plots for the implementation of investment projects has become available in the new layer of the public cadastral map “Free Land Plots”.

В Минске состоялось совещание идеологического актива Минского района

A meeting of the ideological activists of the Minsk region took place in Minsk

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" присоединилось к участию в акции "В школу с Добрым Сердцем"

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" joined the participation in the campaign "To School with a Kind Heart"

Специалистами государственного предприятия ‘БелПСХАГИ’ был обнаружен памятный знак, посвященный подпольщикам Великой отечественной войны

Specialists of the state enterprise 'BelPSHAGI' discovered a memorial sign dedicated to the underground fighters of the Great Patriotic War

Со 2 по 4 августа 2024 года прошла Республиканская спартакиада работников организаций Государственного комитета по имуществу Республики Беларусь

From August 2 to 4, 2024, the Republican Spartakiad of employees of organizations of the State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus was held

Диалоговая площадка с председателем Минской областной организации Белорусского профсоюза работников леса и природопользования

Dialogue platform with the chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Forestry and Nature Management Workers


At the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a dialogue platform was held with the chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Forestry and Nature Management Workers Sergei Evgenievich Ignatovich.

 Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" посетило музей истории Великой Отечественной войны

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" visited the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War


In honor of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, the staff of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" visited an exhibition project dedicated to Operation Bagration at the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

Делегация Госкомимущества приняла участие в заседании Секретариата и рабочей группы по инфраструктуре пространственных данных СНГ

The delegation of the State Property Committee took part in the meeting of the Secretariat and the working group on spatial data infrastructure of the CIS


The delegation of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus took part in the meeting of the Secretariat and the working group on spatial data infrastructure of the Interstate Council for Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Remote Sensing of the CIS Member States.

Представители Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" приняли участие в патриотическом форуме, посвященном 30-летию института президенства Республики Беларусь

Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the patriotic forum dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the presidency of the Republic of Belarus

Госкомимущество и Минприроды обсудили возможность обмена пространственными данными между ведомственными информационными ресурсами

The State Property Committee and the Ministry of Natural Resources discussed the possibility of exchanging spatial data between departmental information resources

Земельная амнистия: ответы на вопросы в программе "Как посмотреть" на ОНТ

Land amnesty: answers to questions in the “How to watch” program on ONT


In the last episode of the “How to Watch” program on the ONT TV channel, a report was shown on the current topic of land amnesty.

Обновленный Указ № 266: повышение прозрачности и качества оценочной деятельности в Беларуси

Updated Decree No. 266: increasing the transparency and quality of appraisal activities in Belarus


A round table was held in Minsk on the new Presidential Decree No. 266, which makes changes to the regulation of valuation activities in Belarus.

В Минском районе дали старт уборочной кампании

The harvesting campaign has started in the Minsk region


On July 9, on the fields of the Zhdanovichi Agricultural Plant, before the start of the battle for the harvest in the capital, the folk ritual “Zazhinki” was held. Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Vladimir Yurgevich came to give parting words to the grain growers and solemnly mark the beginning of the harvest.

Международный фестиваль искусств «Славянский базар» стартовал в Витебске.

The international arts festival “Slavic Bazaar” started in Vitebsk.


On July 9, the XXXIII International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” started, turning the city into the cultural capital of the country for a whole week.

Минскому району - 90 лет: от пригорода к динамично развивающемуся региону!

Minsk region is 90 years old: from a suburb to a dynamically developing region!


On June 29, 1934, by Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the BSSR No. 127, the Minsk suburban district was separated from the Minsk City Council.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" поздравило "детей войны" с Днем Независимости и 80-летием освобождения Беларуси

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" congratulated the "children of war" on Independence Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" celebrated the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 80th anniversary of the country's liberation from the Nazi invaders with a warm meeting with the "children of war" who in the past worked at the enterprise.

 Сотрудники Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" поучаствовали в мероприятиях, приуроченных ко Дню Независимости Республики Беларуси и 80-летию освобождения Беларуси от немецко-фашистских захватчиков

Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" приняло участие Республиканской конференции "Земля наших побед"

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the Republican conference "Land of Our Victories"


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the Republican conference "Land of Our Victories", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

В урочище "Уручье" перезахоронили останки погибших во время Великой Отечественной войны

The remains of those killed during the Great Patriotic War were reburied in the Uruchye tract


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the mourning ceremony for the reburial of the remains of civilians and prisoners of war who died at the hands of the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War in the Minsk region.

В рамках проведения Единого дня информирования состоялась встреча с известным общественным деятелем Алексеем Константиновичем Талаем

As part of the Unified Awareness Day, a meeting was held with the famous public figure Alexey Konstantinovich Talai

Государственное предприятие «БелПСХАГИ» приняло участие в инструктивно-методическом совещании для идеологического актива Минского района

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in an instructional and methodological meeting for the ideological activists of the Minsk region

Специалисты Минского зонального центра гигиены и эпидемиологии посетили Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ"

Specialists from the Minsk Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology visited the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"

Когда пройдут президентские выборы в Беларуси, и как идет подготовка к ним

When will the presidential elections take place in Belarus, and how are preparations going for them?

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" посетило ХХХ Международный форум по информационно-коммуникационным технологиям "ТИБО-2024"

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" visited the XXX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "TIBO-2024"


Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" visited the XXX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "TIBO-2024", which is taking place these days in Minsk.

Мелиорация: оценка и ответственность

Land reclamation: assessment and responsibility


A meeting of the expert advisory council under the Presidium of the Council of the Republic on the topic of land reclamation was held in Lyuban. Speaker of the upper house of parliament Natalya Kochanova, who led the event, emphasized the importance of this area for agricultural production, which occupies about 40% of the country's farmland.

В Минске стартовал ХХХ Международный форум по информационно-коммуникационным технологиям «ТИБО-2024»

The XXX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies “TIBO-2024” started in Minsk


The anniversary XXX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies “TIBO-2024” opened in Minsk. This is the country's largest IT event, which attracts more and more participants and guests every year.

МЧС и МВД озвучили рекомендации по безопасности детей на каникулах

The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced recommendations for the safety of children during the holidays


On May 30, the BELTA press center hosted a press conference dedicated to the prevention of accidents involving minors in the summer. Representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs voiced a number of recommendations for parents aimed at ensuring the safety of children during the holidays.

 ХLIII спартакиада РУП «Проектный институт «Белгипрозем»

XLIII Spartakiad of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Design Institute “Belgiprozem”


From May 24 to 26, the XLIII Olympics of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Design Institute “Belgiprozem”” was held at the Rodnichok recreation center in the Volozhin district of the Minsk region.

Космонавты Василевская и Новицкий возвращаются к работе после завершения реабилитации

Cosmonauts Vasilevskaya and Novitsky return to work after completing rehabilitation


The crew of the Visiting Expedition-21, which included the first female cosmonaut of sovereign Belarus, Marina Vasilevskaya, and a native of Belarus, crew commander Oleg Novitsky, completed rehabilitation and began performing public duties.

Обновленное законодательство облегчает переоформление имущества с ИП на коммерческую организацию

Updated legislation makes it easier to re-register property from an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization


The State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus has introduced a new mechanism for re-registration of property from individual entrepreneurs (IP) to commercial organizations.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" приняло участие в Едином дне информирования

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the Unified Information Day


As part of the Unified Awareness Day, employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" attended an event that took place at the Unitary Enterprise "Design Institute Belgiprozem".

Встреча с идеологическим активом района

Meeting with the ideological activists of the region

Владимир Юргевич и Наталья Жук поздравляют с Днем семьи

Vladimir Yurgevich and Natalya Zhuk congratulate you on Family Day


Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Vladimir Yurgevich and Chairman of the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies Natalya Zhuk congratulate all residents of the capital on Family Day.

Главные символы суверенитета

Main symbols of sovereignty

Сотрудники Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" почтили память погибших в Великой Отечественной войне

Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" honored the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War


In honor of the 79th anniversary of the Great Victory, employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in a solemn meeting at the mass grave monument in the agricultural town of Priluki.

Трудовые коллективы предприятий Госкомимущества благоустроили братскую могилу в преддверии Дня Победы

Work collectives of State Property Committee enterprises landscaped the mass grave on the eve of Victory Day


On the eve of the Great Victory Day, labor teams of enterprises subordinate to the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus, including the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI", carried out the improvement of a mass grave located in the village of Shvaby, Logoisk district, Minsk region.

Сотрудники Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" благоустроили памятник братской могилы в аг. Прилуки

Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" improved the monument to a mass grave in the ag. Pryluky


Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" carried out landscaping of the mass grave monument in the agricultural town of Priluki.

В преддверии Дня Победы: Единый день информирования на предприятии «БелПСХАГИ»

On the eve of Victory Day: Unified information day at the BelPSHAGI enterprise


On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, as part of the Unified Information Day, a meeting was held between the staff of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" and a senior researcher at the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Vitaly Petrovich Garmatny.

В Могилевской области прошел семинар по повышению качества землеустроительных работ

A seminar on improving the quality of land management work was held in the Mogilev region


A seminar-meeting on improving the quality of land management work was held in the agricultural town of Zhilichi, Mogilev region. Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the event.

Председатель Республиканской партии труда и справедливости выступил на собрании трудового коллектива Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

The Chairman of the Republican Party of Labor and Justice spoke at a meeting of the labor collective of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


At the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a meeting of the labor collective was held with the participation of the chairman of the Republican Party of Labor and Justice, Alexander Nikolaevich Khizhnyak, and the head of the Minsk district branch of the party, Galina Grigorievna Kulik.

Представители Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" присоединились к празднованию Первомая

Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" joined the May Day celebrations


Representatives of the workforce of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the festive procession and large-scale celebration of May Day in Victory Park.

Председатель Минской районной организации общественного объединения "Белорусский союз женщин" выступила перед коллективом Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

The Chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Women's Union" spoke to the staff of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was visited by the chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Union of Women" Liliya Valerievna Savchik.

Белорусская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия провела конференцию посвященную 100-летию землеустроительного факультета и 165-летию землеустроительного образования

The Belarusian State Agricultural Academy held a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Land Management and the 165th anniversary of land management education


On April 25 and 26, 2024, the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Land Management and the 165th anniversary of Land Management Education was held at the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy of the Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor.

Представители Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" почтили память героев-ликвидаторов Чернобыльской катастрофы

Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" honored the memory of the heroes-liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster


On April 26, 2024, a requiem meeting dedicated to the 38th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident was held in Minsk at the memorial “Victims of Chernobyl”.

Время выбрало нас! 24 апреля 2024 года стартует VII Всебелорусское народное собрание!

Time has chosen us! The VII All-Belarusian People's Assembly starts on April 24, 2024!

В добрый путь, ВНС!

Good luck, VNS!

В преддверии 38-й годовщины аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС в Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ" почтили память жертв трагедии

On the eve of the 38th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" honored the memory of the victims of the tragedy

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" в числе участников открытия Международного молодежного форума по беспилотным аппаратам в Минске

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" is among the participants in the opening of the International Youth Forum on Unmanned Vehicles in Minsk


On April 22, 2024, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took an active part in the opening of the International Youth Forum on Unmanned Vehicles, which will be held from April 22 to April 26, 2024 at the Belarusian State Technological University in Minsk.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" приняло активное участие в Республиканском субботнике

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took an active part in the Republican cleanup day


Today, April 20, 2024, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" became an active participant in the republican cleanup initiative. Employees of the enterprise gladly took part in the event dedicated to the improvement of the territory of the enterprise.

Единый день информирования: Диалоговая площадка по развитию и безопасности

Single Awareness Day: Dialogue platform on development and security

Обновление на Георесурсе данных ДЗЗ: Актуальные планы аэрофотосъемки на 2024 Год

Update on the Georesource of remote sensing data: Current plans for aerial photography for 2024


Users of the Georesource of DZZ data can now familiarize themselves with the current plan of aerial photography works for the current year 2024, including both manned and unmanned surveys.

Торжественное заседание Совета факультета географии и геоинформатики БГУ посвященное 90-летию со дня основания

Ceremonial meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of BSU dedicated to the 90th anniversary of its foundation


On April 10, the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of the Belarusian State University held a meeting of the Council dedicated to a significant date - the 90th anniversary of the founding of the faculty.

День единения народов Беларуси и России

Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia


Today, April 2, 2024, the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated. This holiday symbolizes the friendship and solidarity of two fraternal peoples, which are connected by long and strong ties.

Участие представителей Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" в республиканской акции «Аднавім лясы разам!»

auto_awesome Язык оригинала: русский 1 369 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод Participation of representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the republican action "Let's restore the forests together!"


Representatives of the State Committee on Property and its subordinate organizations, including the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI", took an active part in the republican action "Let's restore the forests together!", held in the forestry of the Logoi forest farm.

Утверждены профстандарты для должностей в сфере землеустройства, регистрации и техинвентаризации недвижимости

Professional standards have been approved for positions in the field of land management, registration and technical inventory of real estate


The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection approved Resolution No. 59 of December 29, 2023, which provides for the introduction of professional standards for positions in the field of land management, registration and technical inventory of real estate.

С 9 по 15 июля 2024 года в Витебске пройдет XXXIII Международный фестиваль искусств «Славянский базар»

From July 9 to July 15, 2024, the XXXIII International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar” will be held in Vitebsk


This cultural forum, known as the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk,” is the largest in the Republic of Belarus and serves as a platform for uniting various countries and continents.

Посещение мемориального комплекса "Хатынь"

Visit to the Khatyn memorial complex


Today, March 22, 2024, representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" visited the Khatyn memorial complex in order to show respect and pay tribute to the memory of the victims.

Фотодокументальная баннерная выставка «Хатынь – святыня национальной памяти»

Photo-documentary banner exhibition “Khatyn – a shrine of national memory”


The National Archives of the Republic of Belarus organized a photo-documentary exhibition at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" entitled "Khatyn - a shrine of national memory." This exhibition is dedicated to the tragedy of the Belarusian village of Khatyn, which was burned along with its inhabitants on March 22, 1943.

Прямая трансляция: Исторический пуск ракеты «Союз-2.1а» с кораблем «Союз МС-25»!

Live broadcast: Historic launch of the Soyuz-2.1a rocket with the Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft!


March 21 at 16:21:18 (Moscow time): Start of live broadcast of the launch of the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle with the Soyuz MS-25 manned spacecraft.

Марина Василевская станет первой белорусской женщиной космонавтом!

Marina Vasilevskaya will become the first Belarusian woman cosmonaut!


Tomorrow, March 21, 2024, an event of historical proportions in modern Belarus will take place! From the Baikonur Cosmodrome to the International Space Station, the manned spacecraft Soyuz MS-25 will depart with a crew on board: Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky and the first female cosmonaut of the Republic of Belarus Marina Vasilevskaya!

Инструктивно-методическое совещание для идеологического актива Минского района

Instructional and methodological meeting for the ideological activists of the Minsk region


As part of the Unified Information Day, the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in an instructional and methodological meeting for the ideological activists of the Minsk region, which took place in the Minsk regional executive committee.

Новостной выпуск на канале "РТР-Беларусь": "Борьба с "самоволкой": белорусы легализуют незаконно занятые участки"

News release on the RTR-Belarus channel: “Fighting AWOL: Belarusians legalize illegally occupied plots”


The latest report from the RTR-Belarus channel examined the current problem of “AWOL” - illegal occupation of land plots.

Праздник труда Минского района провели в Национальной библиотеке Беларуси

The Labor Day of the Minsk region was held at the National Library of Belarus


The good tradition of summing up the socio-economic development of the region over the past year in a festive atmosphere and honoring the best representatives of the labor collectives of the capital continues.

Конституции Республики Беларусь - 30 лет!

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is 30 years old!

Совершенствование Основного Закона: акценты

Improving the Basic Law: emphasis


The mechanism of direct consultation between the authorities and the people on the most important issues of social development began to work from the first years of the existence of sovereign Belarus.

Информация об условиях поступления на землеустроительный факультет БГСХА

Information on the conditions for admission to the land management faculty of the BGSAA


The specialty “Land management and cadastres” is included in the list of specialties for enrollment without entrance examinations, without competition and for determining competition on the basis of targeted training.

ЦИК установил итоги единого дня голосования и назначил выборы делегатов ВНС

The Central Election Commission established the results of a single voting day and scheduled elections of delegates to the Supreme Council


The Central Election Commission (CEC) consolidated the results of a single voting day and determined the process for electing delegates to the All-Belarusian People's Assembly (VPA).

Открытие сезона аэросъемки: Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" провело первую в 2024 году съемку

Opening of the aerial photography season: The State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" conducted the first survey in 2024


Employees of the aerial photography department of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" professionally began the opening of a new season of aerial survey work.

Стали известны предварительные итоги выборов в Палату представителей Национального собрания восьмого созыва

The preliminary results of the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the eighth convocation have become known


The Central Election Commission published the names of candidates who, according to preliminary data, were elected to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the eighth convocation.

Газета "Спортивная панорама" осветила первенство по бадминтону в честь Дня работников землеустроительной и картографо-геодезической службы

The newspaper "Sports Panorama" covered the badminton championship in honor of the day of workers of land management and cartographic and geodetic services


The newspaper "Sports Panorama" with its latest issue celebrated the badminton championship, held as part of the celebration of the Day of Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service Workers.

Обзор Единого дня голосования 2024 года

Overview of the Unified Voting Day 2024


On February 25, the Unified Voting Day was held in Belarus. Let us consider the key moments and results of this important civil event.appy belated Unified Voting Day 2024! Let us consider the key moments and results of this important civil event.

Поздравление с профессиональным праздником от председателя Минской районной организации РОО «Белая Русь»

Congratulations on your professional holiday from the chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the ROO "Belaya Rus"


The Chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the ROO "Belaya Rus", the Minsk regional branch of the BP "Belaya Rus" Tatyana Ishkova visited the State Institution "BelPSHAGI" to congratulate the team on the professional holiday Day of Workers of the Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service of Belarus.

Собрание трудового коллектива Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" — Итоги 2023 года и задачи на 2024 год

Meeting of the labor collective of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" - Results of 2023 and tasks for 2024


A meeting of the workforce was held at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" dedicated to summing up the results of work for 2023 and setting tasks for the current 2024.

 В Беларуси стартовало досрочное голосование на выборах депутатов

Early voting for parliamentary elections has started in Belarus


Today, February 20, early voting in the elections of deputies began in Belarus.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" успешно выступило на ежегодных соревнованиях по бадминтону среди предприятий системы Государственного комитета по имуществу

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" successfully performed at the annual badminton competition among enterprises of the State Property Committee system


As part of the celebration of the Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service Worker's Day, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the traditional annual badminton competition among enterprises of the State Property Committee system.

Знакомство с землеустроительным факультетом Белорусской государственной орденов Октябрьской Революции и Трудового Красного Знамени сельскохозяйственной академии

Acquaintance with the land management faculty of the Belarusian State Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy


As part of an open day at the Belarusian State Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy, we invite you to get to know the land management department of this institution.

 Заседание итоговой коллегии в Государственном комитете по имуществу: Дмитрий Матусевич обсудил основные результаты и перспективы

Meeting of the final board at the State Property Committee: Dmitry Matusevich discussed the main results and prospects


The State Property Committee held a meeting of the final board, where Chairman Dmitry Matusevich presented the main results of the department’s work for 2023 and outlined development plans for 2024.

Встреча трудового коллектива с участником боевых действий в Афганистане

Meeting of the workforce with a participant in combat operations in Afghanistan

Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" today were captivated by a unique story from retired Colonel Alexander Viktorovich Lashuk, a participant in combat operations in Afghanistan. More
Участие в инструктивно-методическом совещании для идеологического актива Минского района

Participation in an instructional and methodological meeting for the ideological activists of the Minsk region


As part of the Unified Information Day, the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in an instructional and methodological meeting for the ideological activists of the Minsk region, which took place in the Minsk regional executive committee.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" показало отличные результаты в спортивных играх!

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" showed excellent results in sports games!


From February 9 to 11, 2024, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took an active part in the annual competition of employees of enterprises of the State Property Committee, dedicated to the Day of Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service Workers.

Встреча кандидата в депутаты с трудовым коллективом Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

Meeting of the candidate for deputy with the workforce of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


Today at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a meeting was held between the candidate for deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus for the Senitsky electoral district No. 76, Anatoly Anatolyevich Bulavko, with the workforce of the enterprise.

Диалоговая площадка с капитаном милиции Епишкиным Юрием Викторовичем

Dialogue platform with police captain Yuri Viktorovich Epishkin


Today at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a dialogue platform was held with the police captain of the Machulishchansky police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, Yuri Viktorovich Epishkin.

Выборы-2024: особенности масштабной избирательной кампании обсудили в Госкомимуществе

Elections 2024: features of a large-scale election campaign were discussed at the State Property Committee


The workforce of the State Property Committee met with Andrei Mukovozchik, a columnist for the publication SB. Belarus Segodnya.

Завершен важный этап электоральной кампании, начавший период предвыборной агитации

An important stage of the election campaign has been completed, which began the period of pre-election promotion


On the last day of January, the campaign period began in Belarus, which, as a rule, is the brightest and most active stage in election campaigns, and will last until February 24.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" присоединилось к благотворительной акции «Подари ребенку радость!»

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" joined the charity event "Give a child joy!"


As part of the charity event "Give a Child Joy!", aimed at improving the educational process for students, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" joined an important initiative.

Беларусь готовится к выборам: финальный этап регистрации кандидатов и формирование избирательных комиссий

Belarus is preparing for elections: the final stage of candidate registration and the formation of election commissions


Today, January 30, marks the final stage of registration of parliamentary candidates at all levels, leading to participation in a single voting day scheduled for February 25.

Выборы-2024: Границы избирательных округов нанесены на публичную кадастровую карту

Elections 2024: The boundaries of electoral districts are plotted on the public cadastral map


Belarus is preparing for the Unified Voting Day, which will take place on February 25, 2024. On this day, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the eighth convocation and local Councils of Deputies of the twenty-ninth convocation will be elected.

Представители Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" приняли участие во встрече с начальником главного управления идеологической работы и по делам молодежи Минского городского исполнительного комитета

Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in a meeting with the head of the main department of ideological work and youth affairs of the Minsk City Executive Committee


Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" attended a meeting with Olga Nikolaevna Chemodanova, head of the main department of ideological work and youth affairs of the Minsk City Executive Committee, at the Unitary Enterprise "Design Institute Belgiprozem".

Экономико-планировочные зоны Минска стали доступны на публичной кадастровой карте

Economic planning zones of Minsk have become available on the public cadastral map


The National Cadastral Agency has developed a new interactive layer on the public cadastral map, which represents the “Economic planning zones of Minsk”.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" провело диалоговую площадку с первым секретарем "БРСМ"

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" held a dialogue platform with the first secretary of the "Belarusian Republican Youth Union"


Today at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a dialogue platform was held dedicated to the activities of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" as part of the Awareness Day.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" участвует в видеоконференции с депутатом Парламента Игорем Комаровским

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" participates in a video conference with Member of Parliament Igor Komarovsky


Today the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" joined the single information day in the format of an open dialogue.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" активно участвует в семинаре-совещании по качеству землеустроительных работ

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" actively participates in a seminar-meeting on the quality of land management works


Today in the city of Orsha, Vitebsk region, a seminar-meeting is being held on the organization and quality control of land management work, organized by the Belgiprozem Design Institute.

Утвержден порядок выдачи разрешений на отчуждение недвижимого имущества и долей в уставных фондах хозобществ для иностранных лиц

The procedure for issuing permits for the alienation of real estate and shares in the authorized capital of economic entities for foreigners has been approved


In order to implement Presidential Decree No. 93 of March 14, 2022, aimed at strengthening the economy, the Government adopted Resolution No. 27, approving the regulations on the conditions and procedure for issuing permits.

О проведении заседания комиссии по противодействию коррупции

On holding a meeting of the anti-corruption commission


The Anti-Corruption Commission of the Republican Subsidiary Aerophotogeodetic Unitary Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" informs that on January 19, 2024 at 10.00 a meeting of the commission will be held in the office of the chief engineer.

Ключевые темы будущих выборов обсуждены на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ" в рамках открытого диалога

Key topics for future elections were discussed at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the framework of an open dialogue


An open meeting was held at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" with the participation of Sudnik Alesya Sergeevna, Deputy General Director for Ideological Work of the Unitary Enterprise "Design Institute Belgiprozem" and Secret Matvey Igorevich, a specialist from the editorial office of the magazine "Land of Belarus".

Перечни свободных земельных участков доступны в Едином реестре имущества

Lists of vacant land plots are available in the Unified Property Register


Information about available vacant land plots, as well as plots intended for investment projects, is now posted in the state information system "Unified Register of Property" in order to automate the process of generating such lists and inform citizens, organizations and investors.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" в фокусе "ЯСНАе ТV": Максим Гуцаки о геоинформационных технологиях

State enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the focus of "YASNAe TV": Maxim Gutsaki about geoinformation technologies


In a fresh interview on the TV channel "YASNAe TV", the head of the department of geoinformation services and analytics of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" Maxim Gutsaki spoke in detail about the activities of his organization, and also shared valuable information about the processes of creating high-quality photogrammetric products and expectations in the development of geoinformation technologies in the Republic Belarus.

Административные процедуры в области государственной регистрации недвижимости теперь доступны в электронном формате

Administrative procedures in the field of state registration of real estate are now available in electronic format


The Unified Portal of Electronic Services (UPES) will become a place where individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, will be able to apply for electronic registration of various administrative procedures, such as registration of real estate, provision of information from the real estate register, correction of data, registration of ownerless real estate, and coordination of the purpose of real estate objects.

Национальное Кадастровое Агентство помогает находить новогоднее настроение!

The National Cadastral Agency helps you find the New Year's mood!


Thanks to the efforts of the National Cadastral Agency, it is now possible to easily find places where Christmas trees are sold using a public cadastral map.

Председатель Госкомимущества Дмитрий Матусевич принял участие в республиканской благотворительной акции «Наши дети»

Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich took part in the republican charity event “Our Children”


Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich took part in the “Our Children” charity event, where he expressed congratulations to the students of special secondary school No. 14 for children with hearing impairments.

Организации Госкомимущества установили партнерские отношения с Центром цифрового развития

Organizations of the State Property Committee have established partnerships with the Center for Digital Development


The National Cadastral Agency (NCA), State Enterprise "Belgeodesia" and the Design Institute "Belgiprozem" signed documents on cooperation and partnership with the Center for Digital Development.

Курсанты "Белорусской государственной академии авиации" осваивают аэрофотосъёмку с помощью БПЛА на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ"

Cadets of the "Belarusian State Aviation Academy" master aerial photography using UAVs at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


Cadets studying in the specialty “Unmanned Aircraft Systems” at the “Belarusian State Aviation Academy” visited the State Enterprise “BelPSHAGI” to study the features of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in aerial photography.

"АгроНТРИ-Беларусь": Приобщение молодежи к инновациям в сельском хозяйстве

"AgroNTRI-Belarus": Involving youth in innovations in agriculture


The educational institution "Belarusian State Agricultural Academy", with the support of LLC "Agricultural Technologies", LLC "Technopark "Gorki" and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, organized the republican competition "AgroNTRI-Belarus" among students of general secondary education institutions.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" в репортаже телеканала «ЯСНАе ТV» "Время высоких технологий". Инновационные способы аэроcъемки поверхности Земли

State enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the report of the TV channel "YASNAe TV" "Time of High Technologies". Innovative methods of aerial photography of the Earth's surface

О проведении заседания комиссии по противодействию коррупции государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

On holding a meeting of the anti-corruption commission of the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI"

Сотрудники Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" принимают поздравления

Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" accept congratulations


Today at the enterprise, in a solemn atmosphere, the head of the department of photogrammetry and geographic information systems, Gennady Vladimirovich Oshurkevich, was honored, who celebrated a significant date - 40 years of labor activity at the enterprise!

Президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко подписал указ об объявлении 2024 года Годом качества

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree declaring 2024 the Year of Quality


President Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree No. 375, which proclaims 2024 the Year of Quality.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" приобретает высокотехнологичный квадрокоптер DJI Matrice 350 RTK

The state enterprise "BELPSHAGI" acquires a high-tech quadcopter DJI Matrice 350 RTK


State Enterprise "BELPSHAGI" is proud to announce its significant acquisition. With the assistance of the center for industrial unmanned solutions "", the company purchased a high-tech quadcopter DJI Matrice 350 RTK, equipped with an advanced Zenmuse L1 laser scanner.

Вступил в силу Указ Президента «Об аренде и безвозмездном пользовании имуществом»

The Presidential Decree “On rent and free use of property” came into force


Presidential Decree No. 138 of May 16, 2023 came into force, which regulates the rental and free use of property.

Председатель Госкомимущества Дмитрий Матусевич обсудил роль экономической безопасности на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ"

Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich discussed the role of economic security at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich visited the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" as part of a working visit, holding a meeting with the workforce as part of a single information day.

Диалоговая площадка на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ": встреча с первым заместителем председателя правления Белорусского фонда мира

Dialogue platform at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI": meeting with the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian Peace Foundation


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" together with the Belarusian Peace Fund held a dialogue platform, within the framework of which the first deputy chairman of the board of the Belarusian Peace Fund, Alexander Vladimirovich Chirko, took part in a discussion of the activities, development and importance of the peace fund for the Republic of Belarus.

Участие сотрудника Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" в республиканском научно-практическом семинаре в честь Международного дня географических информационных систем

Participation of an employee of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the republican scientific and practical seminar in honor of the International Day of Geographic Information Systems


As part of the celebration of the International Day of Geographic Information Systems, a republican scientific and practical seminar was held, organized by the student research laboratory "GIS Laboratory" of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of BSU.

Учебное занятие на базе Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" для слушателей Института государственной службы

Training session at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" for students of the Institute of Public Administration


On the basis of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" an on-site training session was held for students of the Institute of Public Administration.

Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" представлено в репортаже телеканала «ЯСНАе ТV» "Время высоких технологий. Современные технологии на вооружении Национального кадастрового агентства"

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" is presented in the report of the TV channel "YASNAe TV" "Time of high technologies. Modern technologies in service with the National Cadastral Agency"


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was presented in a report by the TV channel "YASNAe TV" entitled "Time of High Technologies. Modern technologies in service with the National Cadastral Agency."

Участие Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" в республиканской информационно-образовательной акции по энергосбережению

Participation of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" in the republican information and educational campaign on energy saving


From November 8 to 11, as part of events dedicated to the International Energy Saving Day, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" takes part in the republican information and educational campaign called "Belarus - an energy-efficient country."

Беларусь и Удмуртия развивают сотрудничество

Belarus and Udmurtia are developing cooperation


A delegation of the State Property Committee led by Chairman Dmitry Matusevich took part in a meeting of the working group on cooperation between Belarus and Udmurtia.

Представитель Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" принял участие в международном семинаре по сбору пространственных данных, аэрофотосъемке, а также наземному и воздушному лазерному сканированию

A representative of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in an international seminar on spatial data collection, aerial photography, as well as ground and airborne laser scanning


The seminar "Unmanned technologies and practices of their application. Aerial photography. Ground, mobile and airborne laser scanning" was held from October 24 to 25, 2023 at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of the Belarusian State University.

«Наша земельная политика на современном этапе ориентирована на человека». Опубликовано интервью Председателя Госкомимущества Дмитрия Матусевича

“Our land policy at the present stage is people-oriented.” An interview with the Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich has been published


Since the beginning of the year, changes in land legislation have come into effect, including an updated Code and other regulations that regulate relations in the land sector. A significant number of changes have been made, and many people have already felt the benefits of the updated land legislation.

Организацию и контроль качества землеустроительных работ обсудили на семинаре-совещании в Краснобережском государственном аграрном колледже

The organization and quality control of land management work was discussed at a seminar-meeting at the Krasnoberezh State Agrarian College


On October 19, at the Krasnoberezh State Agrarian College, a seminar-meeting was held on “Organization and quality control of land management work in the Belgiprozem Design Institute and its subsidiary unitary enterprises.”

Дмитрий Матусевич: Сегодня Госкомимуществом накоплен немалый опыт в сфере земельно-имущественных отношений

Dmitry Matusevich: Today the State Property Committee has accumulated considerable experience in the field of land and property relations


A meeting took place between the Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich and the Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Mordovia of the Russian Federation Andrey Mishchenko.

Землеустроительный факультет приглашает абитуриентов!

The Faculty of Land Management invites applicants!


The educational institution "Belarusian State Agricultural Academy" begins recruiting applicants for training in the specialty 6-05-0532-03 "Land management and cadastres" in correspondence.

Женщины коллектива "БелПСХАГИ" отмечают День матери с теплыми поздравлениями и словами благодарности!

The women of the BelPSHAGI team celebrate Mother's Day with warm congratulations and words of gratitude!


Today, in honor of Mother's Day, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" expresses its most sincere congratulations to all the women of its team who play this wonderful and responsible role in their lives.

«Пределы пограничной зоны и полосы»: разработан чат-бот с использованием геоданных публичной кадастровой карты

“Limits of the border zone and strip”: a chatbot was developed using geodata from the public cadastral map


The National Cadastral Agency (NCA) has successfully introduced an innovative development using artificial intelligence (AI) into commercial operation.

Диалоговая площадка на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ" помогла обсудить важные темы

The dialogue platform at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" helped to discuss important topics


On October 11, at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a meeting was held with the psychologist of the department of comprehensive support in a crisis situation of the State Institution "Territorial Center for Social Services for the Population of the Minsk Region", Tatyana Vladimirovna Navyshna.

XLV сессия Межгосударственного совета по геодезии, картографии, кадастру и дистанционному зондированию Земли проходит в Республике Беларусь

XLV session of the Interstate Council on Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Remote Sensing of the Earth is held in the Republic of Belarus


From October 4 to October 6, 2023, the XLVth session of the Interstate Council on Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Remote Sensing of the Earth of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is being held in Vitebsk.

Избирательные округа по выборам депутатов Палаты представителей на публичной кадастровой карте

Electoral districts for the election of deputies of the House of Representatives on the public cadastral map


The National Cadastral Agency is completing the development of a new layer of the public cadastral map called “Districts for the election of deputies of the House of Representatives of the eighth convocation.”

Журнал "Земля Беларуси" выпускает третий номер с публикацией статьи сотрудников Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

The magazine "Land of Belarus" publishes the third issue with the publication of an article by employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


We are pleased to announce the release of the third issue of the scientific and production magazine "Land of Belarus", in which a current article by employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" Maxim Gutsaki and Dmitry Kamenev was published.

В Беларуси ввели запрет для физлиц на ввоз, хранение, оборот, эксплуатацию и изготовление беспилотников

Belarus has introduced a ban for individuals on the import, storage, circulation, operation and production of drones


Head of State Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree No. 297 “On state registration and operation of civil unmanned aerial vehicles”.

17 сентября - День народного единства в Беларуси!

September 17 is National Unity Day in Belarus!


All of Belarus celebrates an important holiday - National Unity Day. This day has special significance for the Belarusian people and is a symbol of unity and solidarity of all citizens of the country.

 Диалоговая площадка на Государственном предприятии  "БелПСХАГИ": рассмотрение результатов расследования уголовного дела о геноциде белорусского народа

Dialogue platform at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI": consideration of the results of the investigation of the criminal case on the genocide of the Belarusian people


Today, September 14, an important dialogue platform was held at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" dedicated to the consideration of the results of the investigation into the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people.

Вступил в силу Указ от 04.09.2023 № 278 «О порядке выдачи документов и совершения действий»

Decree dated 04.09.2023 No. 278 "On the procedure for issuing documents and carrying out actions" entered into force


From September 7, 2023, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 278 of September 4, 2023 "On the Procedure for Issuing Documents and Performing Actions" comes into effect.

Общественно-политическая акция «Беларусь единая» стартовала в Беларуси

The social and political action "Belarus is United" was launched in Belarus


In Belarus, a social and political action called "United Belarus" has started, which will take place from September 4 to 17.

В Беларуси вступили в действие новые правила использования беспилотных летательных аппаратов

New rules for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles come into force in Belarus


Now all owners of UAVs must confirm that their purchase was made in accordance with the law. In addition, drone operators must undergo mandatory training.

На публичной кадастровой карте Беларуси стала доступна информация о незастроенных земельных участках

Information on undeveloped land plots became available on the public cadastral map of Belarus


Now on the public cadastral map of Belarus you can find information about undeveloped land plots.

II Международная специализированная выставка ECOLOGY EXPO — 2023

II International Specialized Exhibition ECOLOGY EXPO — 2023


From August 22 to 24, Minsk hosted the II International Exhibition ECOLOGY EXPO - 2023, dedicated to the theme "Green Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for the Economy".

Участие в Международном военно-техническом форуме «Армия-2023»

Participation in the International military-technical forum "Army-2023"


The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" actively participated in the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2023".

Визит делегации компании CHC Navigation на Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ"

Visit of the delegation of CHC Navigation to the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI"


As part of the development of international cooperation and exchange of experience, a delegation from CHC Navigation (People's Republic of China) visited the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI".

Участие в Едином дне информирования

Participation in the Single Awareness Day


Today Minsk hosted a city-wide Unified Awareness Day on the topic “The Role of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the People’s Militia” in Ensuring the National Security of the Republic of Belarus”.

Председатель Госкомимущества Дмитрий Матусевич посетил Белорусскую нефтяную компанию

Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich visited the Belarusian Oil Company


Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich visited the Belarusian Oil Company as part of a working visit and held a meeting with the workforce as part of a single information day.

«Прямая телефонная линия» с заместителем Председателя Госкомимущества Николаем Бобером состоится 12 августа

"Direct telephone line" with the Deputy Chairman of the State Property Committee Nikolai Bober will be held on August 12


On August 12, a "direct telephone line" will be held with Nikolai Pavlovich Bober, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Committee.

Представители Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" приняли участие в Республиканской спартакиаде работников организаций Госкомимущества в г. Горки

Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the Republican Spartakiad of employees of the State Property Committee in the city of Gorki


From August 4 to 6, the Republican Spartakiad of organizations of the State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus was held on the basis of the educational institution "Belarusian State Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy".

Участие в заседаниях Секретариата и Рабочей группы по инфраструктуре пространственных данных Межгосударственного совета по геодезии картографии, кадастру и дистанционному зондированию Земли государств - участников СНГ

Participation in the meetings of the Secretariat and the Working Group on Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Interstate Council for Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Remote Sensing of the Earth of the CIS Member States

В Беларуси с 1 августа повышается бюджет прожиточного минимума

In Belarus, from August 1, the subsistence minimum budget is increased


According to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 26 of July 24, 2023, from August 1, the subsistence minimum budget will be increased in Belarus.

Трудовой коллектив Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" провел незабываемое время на сплаве по реке

The labor collective of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" spent an unforgettable time on the river rafting


On July 22, the labor collective of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" went on an exciting rafting trip along the picturesque expanses of the Isloch River.

Вопросы учета собственности Союзного государства обсудили в Госкомимуществе

Issues of accounting of the property of the Union State were discussed in the State Property Committee


Issues of property accounting in the Union State were discussed in the State Property Committee during the visit of Irina Pazenko, deputy head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo), and Oleg Slizhevsky, head of the Department of Legal Support of the Standing Committee of the Union State.

Участие в работе Международного форума

Participation in the work of the International Forum


On July 19, the Director of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" Oleg Nikolaevich Balitsky took part in the work of the International Forum on Quality Assurance of Services in High-Risk and Highly Qualified Areas.

Переиздание Национального атласа Беларуси обсудили в рамках Республиканского совета по исторической политике

The re-edition of the National Atlas of Belarus was discussed within the framework of the Republican Council on Historical Policy


A session of the Republican Council on Historical Policy at the Administration of the President of Belarus was held in Minsk under the leadership of the Head of the Administration of the President Igor Sergeenko.

Семинар-совещание "Организация и контроль качества землеустроительных работ в УП "Проектный институт Белгипрозем" и его дочерних унитарных предприятиях"

Seminar-conference "Organization and quality control of land management works in the UE "Design Institute Belgiprozem" and its subsidiaries"


On July 14, on the basis of the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a seminar-conference "Organization and quality control of land management works in the UE "Project Institute Belgiprozem" and its subsidiaries" was held.

Летная демонстрация для получения и обработки геопространственных данных на аэродроме "Липки"

Flight demonstration for obtaining and processing geospatial data at the airfield "Lipki"


On July 7, specialists of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in a flight demonstration for obtaining and processing geospatial data on the basis of the Minsk Aeroclub DOSAAF (Airfield "Lipki").

Визит делегации Росреестра и ППК «Роскадастр»

Visit of the delegation of Rosreestr and PPK "Roskadastr"


On July 6, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was visited by a delegation of Rosreester and PPK Roskadastr.

Рабочая поездка представителей системы Государственного комитета по имушеству Республики Беларусь в Китайскую Народную Республику

Working trip of representatives of the State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus to the People's Republic of China


In June 2023, representatives of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus made a working trip to Shanghai and Wuhan (PRC) in order to familiarize themselves with modern equipment, software and solutions in the field of high-precision geodesy and laser scanning, robotic complexes and other high-tech specialized products.

Как ускорить и упростить процесс регистрации недвижимости?

How to speed up and simplify the process of real estate registration?

The Chairman of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus, D.F. Matusevich. More
Вместе работаем – вместе отдыхаем!

We work together, we rest together!

We work together, we rest together!

It is under this slogan that the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" lives, which was confirmed by the joint tourist and excursion trip of employees "In the era of knights and masters."
Выставка "Евразия – наш дом"

Exhibition "Eurasia is our home"

Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich took part in the international exhibition "Eurasia is our home", which is timed to coincide with the meetings of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of CIS Heads of Government in Sochi. More
Итоги работы органов владельческого надзора и представителей государства

Results of the work of possessory supervision bodies and representatives of the state

The results of the work of the possessory supervision bodies and representatives of the state were considered by the collegium of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus. More
Уральский завод гражданской авиации

Ural Plant of Civil Aviation

From May 24 to May 26, 2023, representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" visited JSC "Ural Civil Aviation Plant", located in Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation). More



Specialists of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Union of Industrialists "Progress", held within the framework of the International Specialized Exhibition "BelAgro".

Профилактическая акция "Декада кибербезопасности "КиберДети"

Preventive campaign "Decade of cybersecurity "CyberChildren"


From May 23 to June 1, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is holding a republican preventive campaign "Decade of Cybersecurity" Cyber ​​Children ".

Совместное заседание коллегий Госкомимущества и Росреестра

Joint meeting of the boards of the State Property Committee and Rosreestr


A joint meeting of the boards of the State Property Committee and the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) was held in Grodno.

XLII спартакиада УП "Проектный институт Белгипрозем"

XLII Spartakiad UE "Design Institute Belgiprozem"


On May 26-28, 2023, the XLII Spartakiad of the Republican Unitary Enterprise Design Institute Belgiprozem was held on the basis of the Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise Design Institute Gomelgiprozem.

Прилукам исполнилось 550 лет!

Pryluky is 550 years old!


On May 20, a festival dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the agricultural town of Priluki was held in the Chapsky palace and park complex.

18-19 мая 2023 года состоялась международная конференция, посвященная 25-летию создания Национального кадастрового агентства «Недвижимость. Кадастр. Аналитика: 25 лет»

On May 18-19, 2023, an international conference was held dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the National Cadastral Agency “Real Estate. Cadastre Analytics: 25 years"


On May 18-19, 2023, Minsk hosted an international conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the National Cadastral Agency “Real Estate. Cadastre Analytics: 25 years.

Фестиваль, посвященный 550-летию агрогородка Прилуки

Festival dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the agricultural town of Pryluky


May 20 in Ag. Pryluky will host the Prylutsky Krynitsy festival dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the agro-town.

Админпроцедуры по госрегистрации недвижимости с 2024 года будут доступны в электронной форме

Administrative procedures for state registration of real estate from 2024 will be available in electronic form


A press conference was held in Minsk on the topic "Creating a digital space in the field of real estate for citizens, government and business. Promising areas of work of the National Cadastral Agency."

Республиканский конкурс профессионального мастерства «МИНСКИЙ МАСТЕР – 2023» по профессии «Геодезист»

Republican competition of professional skills "MINSK MASTER - 2023" in the profession "Surveyor"


On May 11, on the basis of the sports and recreation base of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus "Ratomka", the republican competition of professional skills "Minsk Master - 2023" in the profession "Surveyor" was held.

С Днем Победы!

Happy Victory Day!


Dear Colleagues! The State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" congratulates you on the Victory Day!

Сотрудники Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" приняли участие в митинге, посвященному Дню Победы

Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in a rally dedicated to the Victory Day


Employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in a rally dedicated to the Victory Day. The rally participants laid wreaths at the monument to the mass grave of ag. Priluki and honored the memory of the fallen soldiers in honor of the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Дмитрий Матусевич: Несмотря на внешнеполитические условия, в Беларуси продолжается реализация инвестпроектов

Dmitry Matusevich: Despite foreign policy conditions, implementation of investment projects continues in Belarus


The First Deputy Prime Minister, Nikolay Snopkov, announced the task to commission the Nezhinsky Mining and Processing Plant by June 1, 2025, which was set by the President.

С праздником Дня Труда!

Happy Labor Day!


Dear Colleagues, The State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" congratulates you on Labor Day!

Представители Национального центра геодезии и пространственной информации Казахстана посетили Белгеодезию для изучения опыта белорусских коллег

Representatives of the National Center for Geodesy and Spatial Information of Kazakhstan visited Belgeodesia to study the experience of Belarusian colleagues


Representatives of the National Center for Geodesy and Spatial Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan made a visit to the state enterprise "Belgeodeziya" in order to study the activities carried out by the Republic of Belarus as part of the establishment of a new geocentric reference system for geodetic coordinates and a reference system for normal heights.

Обновление Георесурса данных ДЗЗ актуальными ортофотоснимками Воложинского района

Updating the georesource of remote sensing data with up-to-date orthophotos of the Volozhin region


We are glad to announce that the remote sensing data georesource has been updated with up-to-date orthophotos of the Volozhin region.

Видеоконференция на тему: «Послание Президента Республики Беларусь белорусскому народу и Национальному собранию 31.03.2023»

Videoconference on the topic: "Message of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly 31.03.2023"


On April 20, 2023, on the basis of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Design Institute Belgiprozem", a video conference was held on the topic: "Message of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly on March 31, 2023" with the participation of a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Klishevich Sergey Mikhailovich.

XXIX Международный форум по информационно-коммуникационным технологиям «ТИБО-2023»

XXIX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "TIBO-2023"


Representatives of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" take part in the XXIX International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "TIBO-2023".

"Цифровые двойники любых объектов. Кто и как создает контуры умных городов"

"Digital twins of any objects. Who and how creates the contours of smart cities"


"Minskaya Pravda" once again covers the activities of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI".

О возможных технических сбоях связи

About possible technical communication failures


We draw the attention of customers that on April 6, 2023, in connection with the MRCES Minsk branch of RUE Beltelecom carrying out work to modernize the telephone network at the enterprise, replacing telephone numbers, temporary technical communication failures are possible.

Нам сверху видно все! Открываем секреты аэрофотогеодезии

We can see everything from above! Discovering the secrets of aerial photography


The enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was told in a recent issue of the publication "Minskaya Pravda".

15 марта – День Конституции Республики Беларусь

March 15 - Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus


Dear Colleagues! The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" congratulates you on the Day of the Constitution, which is the foundation of the national legal system and a reliable foundation of the Belarusian statehood!

Международный женский день

International Women's Day


The staff of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" congratulates all women on the upcoming wonderful holiday - International Women's Day!

«Что? Где? Когда?»

"What? Where? When?"


On March 2, 2023, the VIII regional championship in the game “What? Where? When?" among members of the trade union of the Minsk regional organization of the trade union of forest workers and nature management.

Практические занятия слушателей Академии управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь

Practical classes for students of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus


On February 28, on the basis of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" practical classes were held for students of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Итоговое собрание трудового коллектива

Final meeting of the labor collective


On February 24, a reporting meeting of the labor collective of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was held to sum up the results of 2022.

С Днём защитника Отечества и Вооружённых сил Республики Беларусь!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus Day!


Our dear men, we congratulate you on the holiday of courage, reliability and strength - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Соревнования по бадминтону

badminton competition


On February 17-18, annual badminton competitions were held among enterprises of the State Committee for Property system, timed to coincide with the professional holiday - the Day of the Worker of the Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service.

Состоялось совещание на тему «О разъяснении применения некоторых норм законодательства в сфере земельных отношений»

A meeting was held on the topic “On explaining the application of certain norms of legislation in the field of land relations”


On February 17, 2023, a joint meeting of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee was held on the basis of the Republican subsidiary aerial photo-geodesic unitary enterprise "BelPSHAGI" on the topic "On explaining the application of certain norms of legislation in the field of land relations".

Команда БелПСХАГИ приняла участие в соревнованиях среди работников предприятий Госкомимущества

The BelPSHAGI team took part in competitions among employees of enterprises of the State Property Committee


From February 10 to February 12, on the basis of the Naroch sanatorium, competitions were held among employees of enterprises of the State Property Committee, timed to coincide with the Day of Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service Workers.

Вопросы изменения законодательства в сфере госрегистрации недвижимого имущества обсудили в Госкомимуществе

Issues of changing legislation in the field of state registration of real estate were discussed at the State Property Committee


A working meeting was held at the State Property Committee to discuss the draft Law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of the Republic of Belarus on State Registration of Real Estate, Rights to It and Transactions with It."

Пересмотрены административные процедуры по отчуждению и разделу участков

Revised administrative procedures for the alienation and division of plots


President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree bringing a number of legislative acts of the Head of State into line with the Law of July 18, 2022 “On Amending Codes”.

Председатель Госкомимущества Дмитрий Матусевич с рабочим визитом посетил государственное предприятие «Белгеодезия»

Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich paid a working visit to the state enterprise "Belgeodeziya"


Dmitry Matusevich paid a working visit to the state enterprise "Belgeodeziya" and held meetings with its employees.

О новом порядке подачи электронных обращений

About the new procedure for submitting electronic applications


We draw the attention of customers that since January 2, 2023, it has become possible to submit electronic appeals to the enterprise using the state unified (integrated) republican information system for recording and processing appeals from citizens and legal entities, which can be accessed at https://обращения.бел.

Новый год – новые возможности!

New Year - New Opportunities!


2022 is coming to an end, and we decided to sum up the results of the outgoing year, as well as share our plans and prospects for the upcoming 2023.

Мы на качество-услуг.бел!

We are on quality-of-service.bel!


The portal for rating the quality of services provided and administrative procedures by organizations of the Republic of Belarus provides an accessible way for citizens to express their opinion on the quality of services provided to the population by state organizations, which contributes to improving the quality of public services.

Беларусь - энергоэффективная страна

Belarus is an energy efficient country


The Energy Efficiency Department of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus is conducting a republican information and educational campaign - Belarus is an energy-efficient country, under the motto "In a unified movement for the better."

The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of the population about possible ways and methods to improve the efficiency of energy use, including in everyday life, which is one of the important measures to improve the welfare of citizens and the economic growth of the country as a whole.

Экскурсия Воложинские гостинцы

Excursion Volozhin's goodies


On September 10, 2022, the BelPSHAGI team went on a tourist excursion along the route Krevo - Golshany - the GrandMilk cheese factory - the ELAGMA estate.


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