
28.03.2024 С 9 по 15 июля 2024 года в Витебске пройдет XXXIII Международный фестиваль искусств «Славянский базар»

This cultural forum, known as the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk,” is the largest in the Republic of Belarus and serves as a platform for uniting various countries and continents.

The motto of the festival, which reads “Through art - to peace and mutual understanding,” reflects the desire for the spiritual unity of peoples through culture and creativity.

This festival has long become a symbol of the Republic of Belarus, glorifying it as a meeting place of different cultures and talents.

For many years now, the music forum “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” has been promoting the development of cultural dialogue between peoples and countries.

This international festival has long gone beyond the Slavic world, attracting representatives from all five continents to its events.

Electronic appeal

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