Division, merger and change of land boundaries

Division, merger are carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation and possibly in relation to land plots with fixed boundaries, as well as land plots in respect of which this Instruction allows the establishment of non-fixed boundaries registered in the unified state register of immovable property, rights to it and transactions with it (hereinafter - real estate register), for which land users received documents certifying the rights to them.

Division, merger of land plots provides for:
development of a project for the division, merger of land plots, with the exception of cases of division, merger of land plots located within the boundaries of gardening partnerships, dacha cooperatives;
making, in accordance with the established procedure, changes in the project for the organization and development of the territory of a gardening partnership, dacha cooperative in the event of division, merger of land plots located within the boundaries of gardening partnerships, dacha cooperatives;
the establishment of boundaries formed as a result of division, merger of land plots;
state registration of the termination of the existence of divided, united land plots, the creation of newly formed as a result of division, merger of land plots, rights, restrictions (encumbrances) of rights to them.

To carry out work on the division, merger of privately owned land plots, the interested person applies to the contractor.

To perform work on the division, merger of land plots that are in state ownership and provided for life-long inheritable possession, permanent or temporary use, lease, the interested person applies to the local executive committee at the location of the land plot, which, if the division, merger of land land plots is possible and will not lead to a violation of town planning regulations, environmental, fire, sanitary and other requirements, within 5 working days sends an order to the contractor to develop a project for the division, merger of land plots and the establishment of boundaries formed as a result of division, merger of land plots, with a land cadastral plan of a divisible land plot or merged land plots with proposals (options) for passing the border of the land plot.

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