Division, merger and change of land boundaries

Land plots are divided into two types: divisible and indivisible. Divisible are those plots that can be divided into several parts, each of which will be a new land plot. Moreover, each new section after the section can be used according to the purpose of the previous section. Also, the concept of divisible plots implies that their division will not lead to a violation of urban planning regulations, environmental legislation, fire, sanitary, construction and other norms. If these requirements cannot be fully met, the site is recognized as indivisible.
The division, merger is carried out with the consent of interested parties. To perform work on the division, merger of privately owned land plots, the interested person applies to the contractor. In order to perform the division, merger of state-owned land plots and provided for lifetime inheritable possession, permanent or temporary use, lease, the interested person applies to the local executive committee at the location of the land plot, which, if division, merger of land of plots is possible and will not lead to a violation of urban planning regulations, environmental, fire, sanitary and other requirements, sends the contractor an order to develop a project for dividing, merging land and establishing boundaries formed as a result of division, merging of land.
When examining the discrepancy between the actual use of land plots and their intended purpose, the discrepancy between the actual boundaries of the land plots and the boundaries indicated in the documents of authenticity and (or) in the documents of the real estate register, the facts of the presence of unauthorized construction of capital structures (buildings, structures), and the discrepancy between the approved urban planning documentation and land the dispute is the basis for the suspension of the development of the division project, the merger of land plots or for the termination by the contractor of the contract for the development of the division project, the merger of land plots and the establishment of boundaries formed as a result of the division, merger of land plots. Land users and the local executive committee are notified in writing of this by the contractor.
Change the boundaries of land
Change of borders is possible in relation to land plots registered in the unified state register of real estate, rights to it and transactions with it. Work on changing the boundaries of land is carried out with the consent of all interested parties.
To perform work on changing the boundaries of privately owned land plots, an interested person applies to the contractor. To perform work on changing the boundaries of state-owned land plots and given for lifetime inheritable possession, permanent or temporary use, rent, an interested person applies to the local executive committee at the location of the land plot, which, if the change in the boundaries of land plots is possible sends an order to develop a draft change and set boundaries to the contractor.
It is not allowed to perform work on changing the boundaries of land in the case of:
- discrepancies in the actual use of land plots to their intended purpose;
- discrepancies of the actual boundaries of land plots with the boundaries indicated in the documents of certification and (or) real estate register documents;
- unauthorized construction on an unauthorized occupied land;
- the presence of a land dispute;
- inconsistencies of the changing boundaries of the land plots of the approved urban planning documentation;
- if a change in the boundaries of land plots entails the occupation of land (land plots), providing for the determination and compensation of losses of agricultural and (or) forestry production, as well as losses to land users;
- if adjacent land plots, the borders of which are changing, have different purposes in accordance with the unified classification of the purpose of real estate and (or) belong to different categories of land;
- if a change in the boundaries of land plots entails an increase in the area of land plots, including in the case of a change in the fixed borders of land plots due to lands located within the boundaries of settlements not provided to land users in the established manner and not being used by citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.