
28.03.2024 Утверждены профстандарты для должностей в сфере землеустройства, регистрации и техинвентаризации недвижимости

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection approved Resolution No. 59 of December 29, 2023, which provides for the introduction of professional standards for positions in the field of land management, registration and technical inventory of real estate.

These approved professional standards - "Land management", "Real estate registrar", "Technical inventory of real estate" - refer to important aspects of land and property relations. Their development took place with the participation of the Sectoral Council of Qualifications under the State Property Committee.

Within the framework of these professional standards, labor functions are defined for positions such as land management engineer, real estate registrar, and technical inventory specialist. For example, a land management engineer performs a wide range of work related to land management and land management procedures.

These new occupational standards will provide organizations with a clear understanding of the requirements and functions for each of these positions, helping to improve the quality and efficiency of work in these areas. Resolution No. 59 will come into force on April 1, 2024, which will provide enough time to prepare and adapt to new standards in the field of land management, registration and technical inventory of real estate.

Professional standards are an important tool in ensuring high-quality and professional performance of duties at work, defining not only labor functions, but also the required qualifications for the successful performance of these positions.


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