
18.08.2023 Визит делегации компании CHC Navigation на Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ"

As part of the development of international cooperation and exchange of experience, a delegation from CHC Navigation (People's Republic of China) visited the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI". The main purpose of the visit was to demonstrate the operation of the i93 GNSS device and to get acquainted with the equipment and software used in the field of high-precision geodesy, land management, cartography and laser scanning.
During the visit, the CHC Navigation delegation demonstrated the operation of the i93 GNSS device, demonstrating its high accuracy and reliability in obtaining geodetic data.
Such an exchange of experience and knowledge contributes to the development of innovative solutions and the strengthening of professional ties between specialists of enterprises. The visit of the CHC Navigation delegation emphasized the importance of cooperation and exchange of advanced technologies in the field of geodesy and cartography.

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