
05.01.2024 Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" в фокусе "ЯСНАе ТV": Максим Гуцаки о геоинформационных технологиях

In a fresh interview on the YASNAe TV channel, the head of the department of geoinformation services and analytics of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" Maxim Gutsaki spoke in detail about the activities of his organization, and also shared valuable information about the processes of creating high-quality photogrammetric products and prospects for the development of geoinformation technologies in the Republic of Belarus .

During the interview, the head of the department of geographic information services and analytics paid special attention to significant moments in the work of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI", describing key areas of activity and noting the importance of providing highly accurate and relevant geoinformation products for various fields of application.
Watch the episode here:

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