
25.07.2023 Вопросы учета собственности Союзного государства обсудили в Госкомимуществе

Issues of property accounting in the Union State were discussed in the State Property Committee during the visit of Irina Pazenko, deputy head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo), and Oleg Slizhevsky, head of the Department of Legal Support of the Standing Committee of the Union State. The Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich noted that the issues of accounting and use of property at the level of the Union state are considered important in the context of the integration of Belarus and Russia. The mechanisms of formation of Union property, identification methodology and the possibility of creating an information resource on accounting of the property of the Union State were discussed. As a result of the visit, an agreement was reached on the further development of partnership relations between the Goskomimushchestvo and Rosimushchestvo and the continuation of the exchange of experience between the organizations.

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