
16.11.2023 Участие сотрудника Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" в республиканском научно-практическом семинаре в честь Международного дня географических информационных систем

As part of the celebration of the International Day of Geographic Information Systems, a republican scientific and practical seminar was held, organized by the student research laboratory "GIS Laboratory" of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of BSU. The event brought together leading experts in the field of geographic information systems, as well as representatives of industry enterprises, including the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI".

At the seminar, enterprise specialist Dmitry Kamenev presented a report on the topic “Determination of bush cover using remote sensing data based on GEOBIA,” emphasizing the importance of using geographic information systems in land analysis and monitoring. In addition, Dmitry also took part in the work of the jury of the GIS project competition, where his experience and professionalism helped in the evaluation of many participants who presented their projects in the field of geographic information systems.

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