
13.10.2023 Женщины коллектива "БелПСХАГИ" отмечают День матери с теплыми поздравлениями и словами благодарности!

Today, in honor of Mother's Day, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" expresses its most sincere congratulations to all the women of its team who play this wonderful and responsible role in their lives. Women are a source of love, care and tenderness. To you, dear colleagues, special words of gratitude for everything you do for your children, families and, of course, for our company. Your role as mothers is invaluable, and you handle it with true skill. We want to express our deep gratitude and respect for you, dear mothers and expectant mothers. On Mother's Day, we encourage everyone to celebrate the women around us - our mothers, wives, daughters and colleagues. Let each of you feel your importance and significance in the lives of everyone around you.

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