
01.12.2023 Сотрудники Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" принимают поздравления

Today at the enterprise, in a solemn atmosphere, the head of the department of photogrammetry and geographic information systems, Gennady Vladimirovich Oshurkevich, was honored, who celebrated a significant date - 40 years of labor activity at the enterprise!

Dear Gennady Vladimirovich, spent four decades of professional work at the enterprise. His work is full of significant achievements, immeasurable efforts and dedication. Undoubtedly, his experience and wisdom have become incredibly important for the development of not only the enterprise, but also the aerial photogeodetic industry as a whole.
For many years of work and outstanding services, Gennady Vladimirovich Oshurkevich was awarded a diploma of honor from the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI". We wish Gennady Vladimirovich new successes in his career, creative achievements and continuous inspiration!

Also, the leading engineer of the control sector of the technological department, Natalia Aleksandrovna Shpakovskaya, who is celebrating her anniversary today, was also awarded a certificate of honor from the enterprise. The company's team cordially congratulates Natalia Alexandrovna and wishes her good health and fulfillment of all her wishes! Let this day be filled with joy, surprises and warm congratulations!

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