
28.09.2023 Журнал "Земля Беларуси" выпускает третий номер с публикацией статьи сотрудников Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

We are pleased to announce the release of the third issue of the scientific and production magazine "Land of Belarus", in which a current article by employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" Maxim Gutsaki and Dmitry Kamenev was published. Their work is devoted to the development of a method for automated recognition of trees and shrubs based on object-oriented classification (GEOBIA) using Earth remote sensing data.
The article represents a significant contribution to the field of precision agriculture and environmental monitoring. A technique for automated recognition of tree and shrub vegetation, based on object-oriented classification using Earth remote sensing data, contributes to more accurate and efficient analysis and classification of vegetation. Such an algorithm will reduce the cost of creating a VIS and in the future become the basis for its automated updating.

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