
19.02.2024 Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" успешно выступило на ежегодных соревнованиях по бадминтону среди предприятий системы Государственного комитета по имуществу

As part of the celebration of the Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service Worker's Day, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in the traditional annual badminton competition among enterprises of the State Property Committee system.

The team of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was represented by Maxim Gutsaki, Anastasia Meleshkevich, Evgeniy Verbitsky and Yulia Zaitseva.

Maxim Gutsaki confidently won first place in the individual men's category, showing unsurpassed skill on the court.
In addition, the mixed match between Maxim Gutsaki and Anastasia Meleshkevich led to first place in mixed doubles.

We congratulate the winners and all participants on their outstanding performances and wish them new victories and success in the sport!

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