
28.04.2023 Представители Национального центра геодезии и пространственной информации Казахстана посетили Белгеодезию для изучения опыта белорусских коллег

Representatives of the National Center for Geodesy and Spatial Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the state enterprise "Belgeodeziya" in order to study the activities carried out by the Republic of Belarus in the framework of establishing a new geocentric reference system of geodetic coordinates and a reference system of normal heights.
“The primary goal of our visit is to study the experience of our Belarusian colleagues, since today we are at the initial stage of measures to establish the state reference system of coordinates and in this regard we have some questions. For example, technical - in terms of choosing the most optimal methods for the implementation of our project, - said Amelia Islyamova, director of the production support department of the National Center for Geodesy and Spatial Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – We know that the Satellite Precision Positioning System is successfully operating in Belarus, which provides good coverage of the country's territory with permanent geodetic points. Therefore, we are grateful to you for sharing best practices and close cooperation.”
During their visit, representatives of the State Committee for Property and Belgeodesia shared information on the legislation governing activities in the fields of geodesy and cartography, as well as on the work to restore and survey the state geodetic network, the Satellite Precision Positioning System of the Republic of Belarus and equalize the Main Altitude Base in the country.

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