The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" showed excellent results in sports games!

13.02.2024 Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" показало отличные результаты в спортивных играх!

From February 9 to 11, 2024, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took an active part in the annual competition of employees of enterprises of the State Property Committee, dedicated to the Day of Land Management and Cartographic and Geodetic Service Workers. The event was held at the Narochanka sanatorium with the support of the Minsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Forestry and Nature Management Workers.

As part of the competition, which included 7 sports, the company’s team demonstrated a high level of training and sportsmanship:

- First place in park volleyball (Vasily Kuryan, Anastasia Meleshkevich, Evgeniy Antonenko, Ilya Danilyuk, Nikolai Evstafeev)
- Second place in billiards (Evgeniy Verbitsky)
- Second place in the combined relay (Evgenia Kononova, Timofey Bredikhin, Anastasia Meleshkevich, Dmitry Kamenev, Ilya Danilyuk)
- Third place in swimming (Ilya Danilyuk)
- Third place in darts (Nikolai Evstafeev)

Thanks to the strength and perseverance of each participant, the team of the BelPSHAGI enterprise won an honorable third place in the team competition. This success testifies to the high level of preparation and cohesion of the team, which confidently represented the honor of its organization on the sports front. Congratulations to the team on well-deserved results!

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