
16.11.2023 Диалоговая площадка на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ": встреча с первым заместителем председателя правления Белорусского фонда мира

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" together with the Belarusian Peace Fund held a dialogue platform, within the framework of which the first deputy chairman of the board of the Belarusian Peace Fund, Alexander Vladimirovich Chirko, took part in a discussion of the activities, development and importance of the peace fund for the Republic of Belarus.

  During the meeting, the key aspects and values of the Belarusian Peace Fund, its role in the socio-economic development of the country, as well as the prospects for the future participation of the fund in the implementation of important projects in the territory of the Republic of Belarus were discussed.

This event became an important platform for the exchange of views, ideas and experiences between representatives of the Belarusian Peace Foundation and employees of the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI".

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