
17.11.2023 Председатель Госкомимущества Дмитрий Матусевич обсудил роль экономической безопасности на Государственном предприятии "БелПСХАГИ"

Chairman of the State Property Committee Dmitry Matusevich visited the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" as part of a working visit, holding a meeting with the workforce as part of a single information day. 

The main topic of discussion was the role of economic security as a key factor in the development of the Belarusian state. During the meeting, Dmitry Matusevich, together with the company’s staff, discussed current issues, economic indicators and prospects for the development of the state’s economy. In his speech, the head of the committee focused on developing optimal solutions and strategies to strengthen the economic base and ensure the stable operation of enterprises in the modern economic environment.

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