
19.01.2024 Государственное предприятие "БелПСХАГИ" участвует в видеоконференции с депутатом Парламента Игорем Комаровским

Today, the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" joined the single information day via videoconference. A high-ranking speaker - Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Standing Commission on Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Igor Sergeevich Komarovsky was invited to this event.

The topic of his speech, “The Year of Quality - the key to the success of the country’s socio-economic development,” made it possible to discuss important issues related to improving the quality of life of citizens and the successful development of the economy. Igor Sergeevich also covered the topic “Innovations of the 2024 Electoral Campaign,” which is a relevant aspect in modern political life.

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