
30.10.2023 Представитель Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ" принял участие в международном семинаре по сбору пространственных данных, аэрофотосъемке, а также наземному и воздушному лазерному сканированию

The seminar "Unmanned technologies and practices of their application. Aerial photography. Ground, mobile and airborne laser scanning" was held from October 24 to 25, 2023 at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of the Belarusian State University. Its main purpose is to discuss the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, ground and airborne laser scanning, and the use of unmanned technologies in various sectors of the economy.
The seminar brought together participants from Belarus, Russia and China.
From the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI", the head of the department of geographic information services and analytics, Maxim Gutsaki, took part in the seminar with a report on the topic "Experience in using unmanned aerial vehicles for the purposes of land management, forest management, land cadastre and other applied tasks."
As part of the seminar, an exhibition of industrial unmanned aerial vehicles, equipment for aerial photography, terrestrial and laser scanning was also organized. Participants were able to take part in master classes on the use of laser scanners and software systems for processing the received data.

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