
15.02.2024 Участие в инструктивно-методическом совещании для идеологического актива Минского района

As part of the Unified Information Day, the state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" took part in an instructional and methodological meeting for the ideological activists of the Minsk region, which took place in the Minsk regional executive committee.
Opening the meeting, Deputy Chairman Irina Vasilyevna Tikhonko, in her opening speech, once again focused on the significance and importance of the 2024 election campaign. She recalled that on a single voting day, February 25, 2024, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly and local Councils of Deputies will be elected, on April 4, the composition of the Council of the Republic will be determined, and the results of the election of delegates to the All-Belarusian People's Assembly will be announced by April 18. She noted that, in fact, within two months, representative authorities for the next five years will be formed.
During the meeting, invited speakers spoke on topical issues of the current election campaign. Thus, political scientist, member of the Constitutional Commission Yuri Valerievich Voskresensky, in his speech, discussed the topic “Elections of Deputies 2024: arguments and facts.” Senior Inspector of Prevention of the Department of Law Enforcement and Prevention of the Minsk District Department of Internal Affairs Pavel Viktorovich Yukhimenko drew the attention of those present to the priority of preventive measures to prevent extremist and terrorist activities, including offenses aimed at inciting national, socio-political, religious hatred and discord, as well as facts of violence , insults and other illegal actions against government officials.

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