
07.02.2024 Диалоговая площадка с капитаном милиции Епишкиным Юрием Викторовичем

Today at the State Enterprise "BelPSHAGI" a dialogue platform was held with the police captain of the Machulishchansky police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, Yuri Viktorovich Epishkin.
The state of law and order based on the results of 2023 was discussed in the Senitsa Rural Executive Committee.

At the event, Captain Yuri Viktorovich shared his analysis and results of the police’s work to ensure law and order in the region over the past year. He highlighted key issues and challenges facing law enforcement in the area and discussed ways and solutions to improve the situation.

Participants at the site actively participated, asking questions and expressing their opinions on issues of public safety and law and order.

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