
04.09.2020 Председатель Госкомимущества Республики Беларусь посетил Государственное предприятие «БелПСХАГИ»

As part of the working trip, Chairman of the State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus (State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus) Dmitry Matusevich, got acquainted with the activities of the Republican subsidiary aerial photo-geodetic unitary enterprise "BelPSKHAGI" , material and technical base of the enterprise, as well as indicators of financial and economic activity.

During the meeting, issues related to the prospects for the further development of the enterprise, the improvement of existing digital technologies, the prospects for the use of remote sensing data in various areas of business, the further development of the material and technical base of the enterprise were discussed.

During the meeting with the labor collective, the head of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus inquired in detail about the main aspects of the operation of the enterprise, and also answered all questions of interest to employees.

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