
30.04.2024 Председатель Минской районной организации общественного объединения "Белорусский союз женщин" выступила перед коллективом Государственного предприятия "БелПСХАГИ"

The state enterprise "BelPSHAGI" was visited by the chairman of the Minsk regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Union of Women" Liliya Valerievna Savchik.

Liliya Valerievna met with the workforce of the enterprise and spoke to the employees. In her speech, Liliya Valerievna noted the important role of women in the social and economic life of the country. She spoke about the activities of the Belarusian Women's Union, its goals and objectives. Particular attention was paid to issues of supporting women, promoting their employment and self-realization.

The enterprise team thanks Liliya Valeryevna for the visit and expresses its readiness to cooperate with the Belarusian Women's Union.

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